Mouse Ears | Calothamnus rupestris


Calothamnus rupestris is a beautiful and waterwise shrub known for its claw-like red flowers that bloom densly from July through to December.

Currently available in tibe stock.

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Calothamnus rupestris is a beautiful and waterwise shrub known for its claw-like red flowers that bloom densly from July through to December.

Currently available in tibe stock.

Scarlet Honey Myrtle | Melaleuca fulgens
One-sided Bottlebrush | Calothamnus quadrifidus

Calothamnus rupestris is a beautiful and waterwise shrub known for its claw-like red flowers that bloom densly from July through to December.

Currently available in tibe stock.


90 cms to 4 metres high x 50 cms wide


This shrub is best grown in full sun but can tolerate light shade.


Well-drained, sandy, or rocky soils.


Tip prune a couple of times a year.

Silver Princess | Eucalyptus caesia
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Banksia attenuata dwarf
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Scarlet-tipped Bottlebrush | Kunzea baxteri
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