Scarlet Honey Myrtle | Melaleuca fulgens

from $4.99
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Melaleuca fulgens is an open, upright shrub with narrow green-grey foliage and very showy scarlet red blooms. This plant tolerates dry soils once established. Bird-attracting and frost-tolerant. Great for screening or windbreaks.

Currently available in 130mm pots.

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Melaleuca fulgens is an open, upright shrub with narrow green-grey foliage and very showy scarlet red blooms. This plant tolerates dry soils once established. Bird-attracting and frost-tolerant. Great for screening or windbreaks.

Currently available in 130mm pots.

Eremophila nivea 'Silky Mist'

Melaleuca fulgens is an open, upright shrub with narrow green-grey foliage and very showy scarlet red blooms. This plant tolerates dry soils once established. Bird-attracting and frost-tolerant. Great for screening or windbreaks.

Currently available in 130mm pots.

Verticordia chrysanthella
Melaleuca nesophila
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Silver Princess | Eucalyptus caesia
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Eremophila maculata 'Crazy Mac'
Coral Gum | Eucalyptus torquata
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