Scented Boronia | Boronia megastigma

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The scented Boronia is a compact, erect shrub that showcases unique and long-lasting masses of brown and yellow flowers. This Boronia gets its name from the spicy aroma of the leaves when crushed.

This Boronia is perfect for planting in pots and street verge/nature strip gardens. The long-lasting flowers are perfect for cutting and displaying.

Currently available in 170mm pots.

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The scented Boronia is a compact, erect shrub that showcases unique and long-lasting masses of brown and yellow flowers. This Boronia gets its name from the spicy aroma of the leaves when crushed.

This Boronia is perfect for planting in pots and street verge/nature strip gardens. The long-lasting flowers are perfect for cutting and displaying.

Currently available in 170mm pots.

The scented Boronia is a compact, erect shrub that showcases unique and long-lasting masses of brown and yellow flowers. This Boronia gets its name from the spicy aroma of the leaves when crushed.

This Boronia is perfect for planting in pots and street verge/nature strip gardens. The long-lasting flowers are perfect for cutting and displaying.

Currently available in 170mm pots.

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