Cushion Fanflower | Scaevola crassifolia

from $5.60
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An iconic coastal shrub found along the majority of WA’s coastline. A low growing shrub with thick, fleshy leaves. Bright blue fan shaped flowers appear in spring. Salt and wind tolerant.

The Cushion Fanflower is a great shrub to plant as a space filler in a garden bed or street verge.

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An iconic coastal shrub found along the majority of WA’s coastline. A low growing shrub with thick, fleshy leaves. Bright blue fan shaped flowers appear in spring. Salt and wind tolerant.

The Cushion Fanflower is a great shrub to plant as a space filler in a garden bed or street verge.

An iconic coastal shrub found along the majority of WA’s coastline. A low growing shrub with thick, fleshy leaves. Bright blue fan shaped flowers appear in spring. Salt and wind tolerant.

The Cushion Fanflower is a great shrub to plant as a space filler in a garden bed or street verge.

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