Cockies Tongue | Templetonia retusa

from $4.99
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Cockies Tongue is a beautiful medium-sized shrub that bears large red pea-shaped flowers through winter and spring. Drought hardy and waterwise, this plant is perfect for creating an informal hedge. Cockies Tongue flowers are edible.

Currently available as tube stock.

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Cockies Tongue is a beautiful medium-sized shrub that bears large red pea-shaped flowers through winter and spring. Drought hardy and waterwise, this plant is perfect for creating an informal hedge. Cockies Tongue flowers are edible.

Currently available as tube stock.

Hibbertia cuneiformis
Hibbertia cuneiformis
Sale Price:$13.99 Original Price:$14.99

Cockies Tongue is a beautiful medium-sized shrub that bears large red pea-shaped flowers through winter and spring. Drought hardy and waterwise, this plant is perfect for creating an informal hedge. Cockies Tongue flowers are edible.

Currently available as tube stock.

Anigozanthos 'Yellow Gem'
from $17.20
Orange Wattle prostrate | Acacia saligna
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Anigozanthos 'Celebrations Carnivale'
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Mouse Ears | Calothamnus rupestris
Scented Boronia | Boronia megastigma
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