Acacia lasiocarpa

from $5.50

Acacia lasiocarpa is a small, spreading evergreen shrub with fluffy, golden, round flowers in winter and spring. this is an ideal plant for street verge gardens, coastal gardens or hot, dry spots in the garden.

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Acacia lasiocarpa is a small, spreading evergreen shrub with fluffy, golden, round flowers in winter and spring. this is an ideal plant for street verge gardens, coastal gardens or hot, dry spots in the garden.

Acacia lasiocarpa is a small, spreading evergreen shrub with fluffy, golden, round flowers in winter and spring. this is an ideal plant for street verge gardens, coastal gardens or hot, dry spots in the garden.


2 metres high x 3 metres wide


Full sun to part shade.


Well-drained soil.


Fertilise in Spring with an organic native fertiliser.

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