Pincushion Hakea | Hakea laurina
Pincushion Hakea is a large shrub to small tree well known for its beautiful pink-red ball-like flower display. With its green-blue foliage, this Hakea can be grown as a street tree or hedge and flowers can be cut to display.
Pincushion Hakea is a large shrub to small tree well known for its beautiful pink-red ball-like flower display. With its green-blue foliage, this Hakea can be grown as a street tree or hedge and flowers can be cut to display.
Pincushion Hakea is a large shrub to small tree well known for its beautiful pink-red ball-like flower display. With its green-blue foliage, this Hakea can be grown as a street tree or hedge and flowers can be cut to display.
6 metre high x 5 metres wide
Full sun. Can be grown in part shade but will produce less flowers.
Well-draining sand, Sandy clay.
Low maintenance plant that does not need to be fertilised. This Hakea can benefit from using a manure free compost at planting. Mulch at spring.
Albany, Broomehill-Tambellup, Dumbleyung, Esperance, Gnowangerup, Jerramungup, Kalamunda, Kent, Kojonup, Lake Grace, Mundaring, Plantagenet, Ravensthorpe, Wagin, Waroona.